7 Questions to Consider Before Becoming the Executor of an Estate

4 min readJan 25, 2021

Make sure you’re up to the executor appointment before saying yes to a friend or relative.

By Deb Hipp for Debt.com

Has a parent, sibling or friend asked you to be the executor for his or her estate? It may be your first instinct to agree immediately to settle the estate for someone you love after they die, but not everyone is cut out for the job.

Before you agree to take on the many detailed and tedious responsibilities of an executor, it’s crucial that you make sure you have the personality and skills necessary to settle the estate without causing undue stress and disruption to your life.

1. Do I understand the duties of an executor?

As the executor of someone’s estate, you will be responsible for locating, reviewing, and understanding the will and filing the will with probate court if necessary. The executor must also make funeral arrangements, locate life insurance policies, and obtain copies of death certificates and possibly copies of birth and marriage certificates.

Duties of the executor also include locating all of the decedent’s property such as houses and contents, safety deposit boxes, and personal…




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