Data Breaches Worry the Group That’s Supposed to Stop Them
4 min readSep 25, 2018

With data breaches on the rise, those who are working to stop them say they’re afraid of them.

It’s only a matter of time before a company gets hacked, according to a report from Neustar, an information services provider. And IT workers are twice as worried about data breaches compared to this time last year.

Every year attacks not only grow in quantity but also quality. The largest data breaches continue to out-do each other. Last year, a tally of data breaches showed they happen four times a day.

Not all threats are equal

When it comes to cyber attacks, there isn’t a one-size-fits-all threat. Among the findings:

  • Ransomware rules: Neustar says 22 percent of security professionals believe ransomware is the greatest threat to companies.
  • Rising attacks: 47 percent of security professionals believe DDoS attacks — or when hackers stop you from using your device — will grow this year. It was at 38 percent last year.
  • No end in sight: 90 percent of respondents say attacks like Meltdown-Spectre — where your computer memory can be taken and read without your permission — will soon be normal.



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