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Working parents say they’re killing it at work and home, but data says differently.
Seventy-eight percent of parents say it’s possible to succeed as a parent and at work, says a study from CareerBuilder. However, roughly a fifth of parents say work dampers their family life, and their kids have asked them to work less.
Sixty-six percent of working parents say they spend at least three hours a day with their kids. But, 38 percent have missed a big moment in their child’s life in the last year — 21 percent have missed three or more.
When parents are asked how likely they are to quit their job if their spouse earned enough to support the whole family, only 25 percent say they would, and 65 percent wouldn’t take a pay cut to spend more time with their kids. Probably because of the stress money puts on a marriage.
Money stress in marriage
Thirty-six percent of married couples say that money is the biggest stressor in their marriage, says a study from Ally Bank. That’s more than twice the amount who said their health (17 percent), and family (13 percent) are the largest stressor.
“Marriage is a joyous event, but like any important milestone in life, planning is the key to success, especially when it comes to…